Here at Forward Equine, We are pleased to offer a variety of rehabilitation services for your horse.

Rehabilitation therapy is highly individualized. The basis of an effective rehabilitation program begins with an exam in which your horse’s body is thoroughly assessed. Strengths, weaknesses, areas of pain and sites of decreased flexibility or other problems are identified as well as what your specific goals for your horse are. Similar to physical therapy for people, our Certified Equine Rehabilitation Practitioners will prescribe certain exercises and/or stretches to address the specific problems identified.

Additional treatments may be recommended to help your horse recover as well and as quickly as possible. These include:
● Veterinary Spinal Manipulation
● Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy
● Extracoporeal shockwave therapy
Laser Therapy

Don’t hesitate to contact us at (920) 851-3545 if you have any questions about our rehabilitation program or would like to set up an appointment with us.

Magnetic Field Therapy

The use of electromagnetic field therapy is becoming more widespread among equine athletes. It provides non-pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory effects directly to the tissues, allowing us to alleviate pain without the side effects of traditional pain medications such as Bute or Banamine.

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