Here at Forward Equine Veterinary Services, LLC, we work hard to stay up-to-date with the latest advances in veterinary medicine.

For this reason, we are pleased to announce that we offer a superior form of shockwave therapy for our patients.

Regenerative shock wave therapy uses high-intensity shock waves to help aid in the healing process. It is quite effective and non-invasive. Unlike the name, shockwave therapy does not shock or hurt the patient. Instead, the focused soundwaves are used to make the horse’s own body release growth factors, increase the blood flow to the affected area and decrease pain.

Indications for shockwave therapy include:
● Ligament or tendon injury
● Back pain
● Overriding dorsal spinous processes, or “kissing spines”
● Bone bruising or inflammation
● Calcification
● Degenerative joint disease
● Fractures (pseudarthrosis), fissures
● Periosteal reactions

Shock wave therapy also increases the quality of the healing process. Often after an injury, the injured area heals but does not heal back to its original strength. Our intention, using shock wave therapy, is to increase the healing by promoting increased blood flow. This modality can also decrease the likelihood of reinjury to injured tendons and ligaments by decreasing scar tissue formation.

Our PiezoWaveVet machine is the best for sending out shock waves in a focused area. Unlike previous versions of shockwave machines, it is non-painful, quiet, and does not require the patient to be sedated. We are pleased to be able to have this tool to give our patients the best chance at healing quickly, without re-injury.

If you have any questions about whether or not regenerative shock therapy will help your horse and his or her condition, feel free to contact us today. We would be happy to assist you in any way that we can!

REstoring Soundness ~ Perfecting Performance